
2016-09-30来源 : 互联网

美国社会中**信和一个人的密切相关,上学时候申请需要**信,求职就业需要**信。写**信和获得**信都可能发生到一个人身上。 也许上学的时候你要找老师校长等写**信,毕业后找同事**写**信。那么某**你也许要给你的学生,同事或者下属写**信。所以掌握写**信的格式和方法显得非常重要。


① 把地址写在右上方,同时写上日期

② 信的左上角,写上收件人的姓名和称呼,如Dear Mr. Lee

2 简短但是热情的开场

比如采用这样的语句"It makes me extremely happy to recommend Michael for the position of Director of Development at XYX Corporation."

3 描述如何认识你**的人

让读者指导你们怎么认识,你们如何一起工作。比如"As VP of Application Development, I was Michael's direct supervisor from 2009 through 2012. We worked closely together on several key projects, and I got to know him very well during this time.

4 具体描述候选人的条件和成功故事


"Michael's sophisticated grasp of database architecture, combined with an innate feel for UX design and a warm, personal approach to his in-company client base dramatically improved the productivity of our company's merchandising, creative, and editorial departments. His approach to managing application support, maintenance, and training was highly professional and greatly respected, both by end users and by the executive team."

5 通过比较来说明**人的成功故事


6 不要夸张--清楚的说明**人哪里还需要提高以及如何提高

Despite coming in as a novice, Michael has worked hard to improve his documentation and commenting of s and processes, making it easier for those filling his shoes in the future to work effectively."

7 语言采用动词主导


Don't say "Over the course of the last couple years, I have been pleased to watch the ongoing development of Michael's talents." Say instead, "Michael's skills have grown rapidly in the last couple years."



For example, say, "For all of these reasons, I think Michael will make a fine addition to your team. Should you have any questions, I invite you to contact me at the number or address, above."

9 采用商务书信格式结尾,并且签名

Sincerely," "Best regards," "Thank you,"


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