圣诞节的由来是什么? 教会开始并无圣诞节,约在耶稣升天后百余年内才有。据说:**个圣诞节是在公元138年,由罗马主教圣克里门倡议举行。而教会史载**个圣诞节则在公元336年。由于圣经未明记耶稣生于何时,故各地圣诞节日期各异。直到公元440年,才由罗马教廷定12月25日为圣诞节。公元1607年,世界各地教会**在伯利恒聚会,进一步予以确定,从此世界大多数的**徒均以12月25日为圣诞节。其实哪**并不要紧,重要的是应该知道它是为纪念救主耶稣降生。
圣诞节英文介绍怎么写?圣诞节用英文表达是“Christmas Day”。
Christmas is also known as Christmas, translated as "Christ mass", western traditional festival, every year in December 25th. Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to celebrate the birth of Jesus, named "christmas".
Most of the Catholic Church will be first in the 24, Christmas Eve, i.e., the early morning of December 25 at midnight mass, and some Christian will be held caroling and on December 25 to celebrate Christmas; Christian another branch of Orthodox Christmas celebration in the annual January 7.
Christmas is a public holiday in the western world and in many other regions, such as Hongkong, Macao, Malaysia, and Singapore in Asia. The Bible actually did not record the date of birth of Jesus, Christmas is a public.