
2016-12-11来源 : 互联网



四大** the Four Great Inventions

造纸术 paper-making

*药 gunpowder

指南针 compass

印刷术 printing

思想学派 school of thought

思想核心 the core of ideology

代表人物 representative

琴棋书画 guqin,game of go,calligraphy and painting

乐器 musical instrument

笛子 flute

中国象棋 Chinese chess

围棋 Chinese Go

棋盘 ches**oard

文房四宝 the four treasures of the study

四大名著 the four masterpieces

唐诗宋词 Tang and Song poetry

元曲 Yuan opera

明小说 Ming novel

国画 Chinese (traditional)painting


春节 the Spring Festival

除夕 Chinese New Year’s Eve

年夜饭 the dinner on New Year’s Eve

小年 minor Spring festival

春运 Spring Festival travel season;Chunyun period

买年货 do Spring festival shopping; buy necessity for Spring Festival

守岁 stay up for the New Year

拜年 New Year’s visit


四大文明古国之一 one of the four ancient civilizations

人类文明史 the history of human civilization

中国古代史 ancient Chinese history

中国近现代史 modern history of China

典型历史事件 typical historical event

历史人物 historic figure

历史遗留问题 a question left over from history/the past

繁荣盛世 a time of prosperity

华夏之祖 ancestors of the Chinese nation


发达国家 developed country

发展中国家 developing country

不发达国家 underdeveloped country

****/资本主义经济 socialist/capitalist economy

集体经济/计划经济 collective/planned economy

增长率 growth rate

生活水平 living standard

购买力 purchasing power

社会福利 social welfare

社会** social security


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